Assume we have given some evaluation routine \(f\) that maps orientations to numbers. This could be an rotational function of class SO3Fun
, a @function_handle
, a more complex Matlab function or a physical experiment.
On this page we will explain how to compute the corresponding SO3FunHarmonic
and SO3FunRBF
that approximates \(f\) reasonable well.
This approximation process is similarly to Approximating Orientation Dependent Functions from Discrete Data. where the given data are a set of orientations with function values.
Lets load an orientation dependent function as SO3Fun.
mtexdata dubna
odf = calcODF(pf,'resolution',5*degree,'zero_Range')
pf = PoleFigure (y↑→x)
crystal symmetry : Quartz (321, X||a*, Y||b, Z||c*)
h = (02-21), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (10-10), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (10-11)(01-11), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (10-12), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (11-20), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (11-21), r = 72 x 19 points
h = (11-22), r = 72 x 19 points
odf = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 19848 orientations, resolution: 5°
weight: 1

In the following we will differentiate whether we approximate \(f\) by a SO3FunHarmonic
or by a SO3FunRBF
Harmonic Approximation
The basic strategy is to approximate the data by a SO3FunHarmonic
(Harmonic series), i.e. a series of Wigner-D functions, see SO3FunHarmonicSeries Basics of rotational harmonics.
For that, we compute the so-called Fourier coefficients \({\bf \hat f} = (\hat f^{0,0}_0,\dots,\hat f^{N,N}_N)^T\) of
\[ f({\bf R}) = \sum_{n=0}^N\sum_{k,l=-n}^n \hat{f}^{k,l}_n \, D_n^{k,l}({\bf R}). \]
The Fourier coefficients are defined by
\[ \hat f^{k,l}_n = \int_{SO(3)} f({\bf R}) \cdot \overline{D_n^{k,l}({\bf R})} \,\mathrm{d}\mu({\bf R}) \]
and we compute this integral by numerical integration, which is also called quadrature, i.e.
\[ \hat f^{k,l}_n \approx \sum_{m=1}^M \omega_m \, f({\bf R}_m) \, \overline{D_n^{k,l}({\bf R}_m)} \]
with suitable quadrature weights \(\omega_m\) and quadrature nodes \(\bf{R}_m\), \(m=1,\dots,M\).
In MTEX there are two quadrature schemes predefined:
- Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature scheme (default)
- Gauss-Legendre quadrature scheme
Both of them are defined with respect to some bandwidth \(N\) and they are exact for all band-limited functions of this specific bandwidth. That means, if we perform quadrature on any SO3FunHarmonic
of bandwidth N with one of this schemes, then we will get exactly this function back.
In MTEX we use the command SO3FunHarmonic
to expand any SO3Fun
or @function_handle
into an SO3FunHarmonic
SO3F = SO3FunHarmonic(odf)
SO3F = SO3FunHarmonic (Quartz → y↑→x)
bandwidth: 48
weight: 1

Internally MTEX calls SO3FunHarmonic.approximate
. We can specify the bandwidth of the approximated SO3FunHarmonic
with the option 'bandwidth'
and we can tell MTEX to use the other quadrature scheme.
SO3F2 = SO3FunHarmonic(odf,'bandwidth',10,'GaussLegendre')
SO3F2 = SO3FunHarmonic (Quartz → y↑→x)
bandwidth: 10
weight: 1

If we do not have an SO3Fun
or @function_handle
, but we try to approximate a function from some physical experiment or more complex Matlab function (where we can put in specific orientations and get out numbers), then we proceed as follows.
One idea could be to perform the experiment for random orientations and interpolate this discrete data in a second step.
But, if we can choose the orientations by our own, we should better choose an optimal/minimal orientation grid, perform the experiment on this grid and compute the Fourier coefficients of the harmonic expansion by quadrature.
This is exactly what happens internally when we call the SO3FunHarmonic
-command. In fact this is a special case of approximation of discrete data for a very specific grid.
In the following, the EXPERIMENT
-method is something, where we put in orientations and obtain corresponding values. That could be a physical experiment or maybe also some computational routine.
% Specify the bandwidth and symmetries of the desired harmonic odf
bw = 50;
cs = crystalSymmetry('321');
ss = specimenSymmetry;
% Compute the quadrature grid and weights
CC_grid = quadratureSO3Grid(bw,'ClenshawCurtis',cs,ss);
% Because of symmetries there are symmetric equivalent nodes in the
% quadrature grid. Hence we perform our experiment on a smaller unique
% grid.
ori = CC_grid(:)
v = EXPERIMENT(ori);
% At the end we do quadrature
E1 = SO3FunHarmonic.quadrature(CC_grid,v)
% E1 = SO3FunHarmonic.interpolate(CC_grid,v) % does the same
ori = orientation (321 → y↑→x)
size: 176868 x 1
Furthermore, if the experimental step is very expansive it might be a good idea to use the smaller Gauss-Legendre quadrature grid. The Gauss-Legendre quadrature lattice has half as many points as the default Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature lattice. But the quadrature method is slightly more time consuming.
% Compute the Gauss-Legendre quadrature grid and weights
GL_grid = quadratureSO3Grid(bw,'GaussLegendre',cs,ss);
% Perform the experiment on that quadrature grid
ori = GL_grid(:)
v = EXPERIMENT(ori);
% Do quadrature
E2 = SO3FunHarmonic.quadrature(GL_grid,v)
ori = orientation (321 → y↑→x)
size: 90168 x 1
E2 = SO3FunHarmonic (321 → y↑→x)
bandwidth: 50
weight: 1
Both of this quadrature schemes yield exactly the same SO3FunHarmonic
ans =
RBF-Kernel Approximation
The basic strategy is to approximate the given function \(f\) by a SO3FunRBF
, see Radial Basis Functions on SO(3).
Hence we determine rotations \({\bf{R}}_1,\dots,{\bf{R}}_N\) and seek the corresponding coefficients \(\vec c=(c_1,\dots,c_N)\) such that
\[ g({\bf{x}}) = \sum_{n=1}^N c_n \, \Psi(\cos\frac{\omega({\bf{x}},{\bf{R}}_n)}{2}) \]
approximates \(f\) reasonable well, i.e. \(f\approx g\). In this formula, \(\Psi\) describes a SO(3)-Kernel Function. Hence, \(f\) is a superposition of one rotational kernel function centered on the orientations \({\bf{R}}_1,\dots,{\bf{R}}_N\) and weighted by the coefficients \(c_1,\dots,c_N\).
A basic strategy is to apply least squares approximation, where we compute the coefficients \(c_n\) by minimizing the functional
\[ \sum_{m=1}^M|f({\bf{x}}_m)-g({\bf{x}}_m)|^2 \]
for some specific orientations \({\bf{x}}_1,\dots,{\bf{x}}_M\).
This least squares problem can also be written in matrix vector notation \( \mathrm{argmin}_{c} \| K \cdot c - v \|, \) where \(x=(c_1,\dots,c_N)^T\), \(v=(v_1,\dots,v_M)^T\) and \(K\) is the kernel matrix \([\Psi(\cos\frac{\omega({\bf{x}}_m,{\bf{R}}_n)}{2})]_{m,n}\).
This least squares problem can be solved by the lsqr
method from MATLAB, which efficiently seeks for roots of the derivative of the given functional (also known as normal equation).
Alternatively there is also a modified least square method mlsq
, which search for a solution \(c_1,\dots,c_N\) that satisfies \(c>0\) and \(\sum_{n=1}^N c_n = 1\). This method can be used if the underlying function is a density, i.e. it is nonnegative and has mean 1, which can be applied if we try to approximate a density function.
In MTEX we use the command SO3FunRBF
to represent any SO3Fun
or @function_handle
by an SO3FunRBF
In the following we want to use this to transform a given SO3FunHarmonic
back into a SO3FunRBF
SO3F3 = SO3FunRBF(SO3F,'density')
% SO3F2 = SO3FunRBF.approximate(SO3F,'density')
SO3F3 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 19848 orientations, resolution: 5°
weight: 1

Here MTEX internally calls the SO3FunRBF.approximate
The flag 'density'
tells MTEX to use the mlsq
solver, which ensures that the resulting function is nonnegative and normalized to mean \(1\).
minValue = min(SO3F3)
meanValue = mean(SO3F3)
minValue =
meanValue =
We can specify the kernel of the approximated SO3FunRBF
with the option 'kernel'
or 'halfwidth'
and we can use the options 'SO3Grid'
and 'resolution'
to choose some specific set of rotations as centers \({\bf{R}}_1,\dots,{\bf{R}}_N\) of the approximation \(g\).
SO3F4 = SO3FunRBF(SO3F,'halfwidth',5*degree,'resolution',10*degree)
SO3F4 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 2472 orientations, resolution: 10°
weight: 1

S3G = orientation.rand(1000,SO3F.CS);
psi = SO3AbelPoissonKernel('halfwidth',5*degree);
SO3F5 = SO3FunRBF(SO3F,'kernel',psi,'SO3Grid',S3G)
SO3F5 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: Abel Poisson, halfwidth 5°
center: 1000 orientations

SO3F6 = SO3FunRBF(SO3F,'halfwidth',5*degree,'approxresolution',5*degree)
SO3F6 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 19848 orientations, resolution: 5°
weight: 1

The errors are
ans =
ans =
ans =
ans =
If we do not have an SO3Fun
or @function_handle
, but we try to approximate a function from some physical experiment or more complex Matlab function (where we can put in specific orientations and get out numbers), then we should perform the experiment for all orientations of an equispacedSO3Grid
and approximate this discrete data in a second step.
RBF-Kernel Approximation by minimizing the harmonic Error
The basic idea is the same as in the previous section. We determine rotations \({\bf{R}}_1,\dots,{\bf{R}}_M\) and seek the corresponding coefficients \(\vec c=(c_1,\dots,c_N)\) of
\[ g({\bf{x}}) = \sum_{m=1}^M c_m \, \Psi(\cos\frac{\omega({\bf{x}},{\bf{R}}_m)}{2}), \]
such that \(g\) approximates \(f\) in a certain sense. But in what sense exactly?
In the previous section, we minimized the pointwise error (in spatial domain) between \(f\) and \(g\) on some grid, i.e. we minimized \( \sum\limits_{m=1}^M|f({\bf{x}}_m)-g({\bf{x}}_m)|^2 \) in \(M\) points.
Now we will minimize the error in frequency domain. Hence, the Fourier coefficients of \(f\) are supposed to be nearly the same as the Fourier coefficients of \(g\).
So, we will try to determine the coefficients \(c_1,\dots,c_M\) such that
\[ \sum\limits_{n=0}^N \sum\limits_{k,l=-n}^n | \hat{f}_n^{k,l} - \hat{g}_n^{k,l} |^2 \]
is minimized.
In MTEX we call this by adding the option 'harmonic'
to the SO3FunRBF
SO3F7 = SO3FunRBF(SO3F,'harmonic')
SO3F7 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 19848 orientations, resolution: 5°
weight: 1

The lsqr
solver and the mlsq
solver, which are used to minimize the least squares problem from above has some predefined termination conditions. We can specify the method tolerance with the option 'tol'
(default 1e-3) and the maximum number of iterations by the option 'maxit'
(default 30/100).
Thus we are able to control the precision of the result and computational time of the least squares methods in the approximation process.
This is a black box function which is used above. Just ignore it.
function v = EXPERIMENT(ori)
v = SO3Fun.dubna.eval(ori);
E1 = SO3FunHarmonic (321 → y↑→x)
bandwidth: 50
weight: 1