Cluster demo edit page

This code demonstrates how the clustering algorithm can be used to assign vector3d and crystal directions to groups by proximity.

define an octohedral crystal symmetry

cs  = crystalSymmetry('432');

% define an ODF with two radial peaks
ori = orientation.byEuler([10 40]*degree,[30 50]*degree,[50 70]*degree,cs)
odf = unimodalODF(ori,'halfwidth',5*degree);

% view the odf

% generate 10k orientations from this randomly defined ODF function
ori = odf.discreteSample(10000);

% convert the orientations to vector3D
r = ori * Miller(1,0,0,odf.CS);
ori = orientation (432 → xyz)
  size: 1 x 2
  Bunge Euler angles in degree
  phi1  Phi phi2
    10   30   50
    40   50   70

assign each vector3d to one of twelve clusters, and calculate the vector3D located at the center of each cluster

[cId,center] = calcCluster(r,'numCluster',12);

% plot the clusters, sorted by colour

% annotate all the cluster centers, on all figures.

Note that the upper and lower hemisphere plots are versions of each other, reflected horizontally plus vertically. This means that the underlying data has antipodal symmetry, contributing equally to both hemispheres. Let's include that in the cluster sorting.

repeat the calculation after changing all the vector3d to be antipodal

r.antipodal = true;

% repeat the calculation assigning vector3D to clusters.  Due to the
% increase in symmetry, there are only six clusters now.
[cId,center] = calcCluster(r,'numCluster',6);

% plot the vectors.  Note that we no longer get an upper and lower hemisphere plot; the antipodal symmetry tells MTEX they are equivilent and so one sufficient to represent the data.

% annotate the cluster centers.

pick a vector3d, and use that to convert the 10k random orientations previously generated into crystal directions.

h = ori \ vector3d(1,1,0);

% assign the crystal directions to two clusters
[cId,center] = calcCluster(h,'numCluster',2);

% plot the crystal symmetry data on appropiate fundamental sector

% annote the cluster centers

just as we calculated clusters for vector3D and crystal directions, we're now going to do so for orientations

[cId,center] = calcCluster(ori,'numCluster',2,'method','hierarchical');

% create a pole figure of the orientations coloured by the cluster they
% belong to.

If you have the statistics toolbox, you can make some calculations about the spread of points assigned to each cluster.

% compute the full distance matrix between all combinations of vector3D
d = angle_outer(r,r);
% convert all small values to zero to simplify later calculations
d(d<0.01) = 0;
%d = d(triu(true(size(d)),1));

% use the statistic toolbox
  d = squareform(d);
  z = linkage(d,'ward');

  %cId = cluster(z,'cutoff',30*degree);
  cId = cluster(z,'maxclust',6);

  warning('Statistics Toolbox not installed!')
Warning: Statistics Toolbox not installed!
function plotCluster(r,cId,varargin)

hold on
for i = 2:max(cId)
hold off