Rotating Vectors
o = rotation.byEuler(90*degree,90*degree,0*degree)
o = rotation
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2
90 90 0
a certain rotation. Then the rotation of the xvector is computed via
v = o * xvector
v = vector3d (y↑→x)
x y z
0 1 0
The inverse rotation is computed via the backslash operator
o \ v
ans = vector3d (y↑→x)
x y z
1 0 0
Concatenating Rotations
rot1 = rotation.byEuler(90*degree,0,0);
rot2 = rotation.byEuler(0,60*degree,0);
be two rotations. Then the rotation defined by applying first rotation one and then rotation two is computed by
rot = rot2 * rot1
rot = rotation
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2
0 60 90
Rotational angle and the rotational axis
Then rotational angle and the axis of rotation can be computed via then commands angle(rot) and axis(rot)
rot.angle / degree
ans =
ans = vector3d (y↑→x)
x y z
0.447214 -0.447214 0.774597
If two rotations are specifies the command angle(rot1,rot2) computes the rotational angle between both rotations
angle(rot1,rot2) / degree
ans =
The inverse Rotation
The inverse rotation you get from the command inv(rot)
ans = rotation
Bunge Euler angles in degree
phi1 Phi phi2
90 60 180
Conversion into Euler Angles and Rodrigues Parametrisation
There are methods to transform rotations in almost any other parameterization of rotations as they are:
- Euler(rot) in Euler angle
- Rodrigues(rot) in Rodrigues parameter
[alpha,beta,gamma] = Euler(rot,'Matthies')
alpha =
beta =
gamma =