Unlike most other texture analysis software MTEX does not have any graphical user interface. Instead the user is suposed to write scripts. Those scripts usually have the following structure
- import data
- inspect the data
- correct the data
- analyze the data
- plot and export the results of the analysis
During all these steps the data are stored as variables of different type. There are many different types of variables (called classes) for different objects, like vectors, rotations, EBSD data, grains or ODFs. The sidebar on the left lets you browse through all different MTEX class and the corresponding functions.
Variables are generated automatically when data are imported. E.g., the command
ebsd = EBSD.load('fileName.ctf')
imports data from the file fileName.ctf
and stores them in the variable
of type EBSD. In the
command window the variable ebsd
is displayed as follows
ebsd = EBSD (show methods, plot)
Phase Orientations Mineral Color Symmetry Crystal reference frame
0 58485 (24%) notIndexed
1 152345 (62%) Forsterite LightSkyBlue mmm
2 26058 (11%) Enstatite DarkSeaGreen mmm
3 9064 (3.7%) Diopside Goldenrod 12/m1 X||a*, Y||b*, Z||c
Properties: bands, bc, bs, error, mad, x, y
Scan unit : um
Next one can pass the variable ebsd
to diferent MTEX function. E.g. to plot the EBSD one simply does
The grain structure is reconstructed by the command
grains = calcGrains(ebsd)
which returns a new variable, here called grains
grains = grain2d (show methods, plot)
Phase Grains Pixels Mineral Symmetry Crystal reference frame
1 1256 152345 Forsterite mmm
2 518 26058 Enstatite mmm
3 1526 9064 Diopside 12/m1 X||a*, Y||b*, Z||c
boundary segments: 45832
triple points: 3863
Properties: GOS, meanRotation
which is of type grain2d and contains the entire grain structure. Finally, we my visualize this structure by