conv edit page

convolution of a rotational function with a rotational or spherical function or a kernel function.

For detailed information about the definition of the convolution take a look in the documentation.

The convolution of matrices of SO3Functions with matrices of SO3Functions works elementwise.


SO3F = conv(SO3F1,SO3F2)
SO3F = conv(SO3F1,psi)
sF2 = conv(SO3F1,sF1)
sF2 = conv(SO3F1,phi)


SO3F1, SO3F2 SO3Fun
psi convolution SO3Kernel
sF1 S2Fun
phi convolution S2Kernel


SO3F SO3FunHarmonic
sF2 S2FunHarmonic

See also

SO3Kernel.conv SO3FunHarmonic.conv SO3FunRBF.calcFourier S2FunHarmonic.conv S2Kernel.conv