quadratureSO3Grid edit page

Compute nodes and weights for quadrature on SO(3).


The following quadrature rules are implemented:

  • 'ClenshawCurtis' combines the Gauss quadrature in 1st and 3rd Euler angle (alpha, gamma) with Clenshaw Curtis quadrature in 2nd Euler angle (beta)
  • 'GaussLegendre' combines the Gauss quadrature in 1st and 3rd Euler angle (alpha, gamma) with Gauss Legendre quadrature in 2nd Euler angle (beta)


SO3G = quadratureSO3rid(N, 'ClenshawCurtis')
[SO3G, W] = quadratureSO3rid(N,CS,SS,'ClenshawCurtis') % quadrature grid of type Clenshaw Curtis


N bandwidth
CS,SS symmetries


SO3G orientation grid
W quadrature weights


ClenshawCurtis use Clenshaw Curtis quadrature nodes and weights (default)
GaussLegendre use Gauss Legendre quadrature nodes and weights

See also

regularSO3Grid SO3FunHarmonic.quadrature