class representing EBSD measurements
In MTEX a variable of type EBSD
is used to store EBSD measurements as a table with rows containing the orientation, the spatial coordinates and the phase of each individual measurement.
pos = vector3d(x,y,z);
prop.mad = mad;
CSList = {'notIndexed',CS1,CS2,CS3};
rot = rotation.byEuler(phi1,Phi,phi2);
ebsd = EBSD(pos,rot,phaseId,CSList,prop)
ebsd = EBSD(pos,rot,phaseId,CSList,prop,'unitCell',unitCell)
pos | vector3d |
rot | rotation |
phaseId | phase as index to CSList |
CS1,CS2,CS3 | crystalSymmetry |
prop | struct with properties (optional) |
unitCell | vector3d |
Class Properties
id | unique id of each pixel |
CSList | cell list of crystalSymmetry |
phaseId | phase of each pixel as entry of CSList |
phase | phase of each pixel as imported |
phaseMap | convert between phase = phaseMap(phaseId) |
rotations | rotation of each pixel |
pos | vector3d, coordinates of the center of each pixel |
scanUnit | unit of the x,y coordinates (um is default) |
prop | auxiliary properties, e.g., MAD, BC, mis2mean |
isIndexed | is pixel indexed or not |
indexedPhaseId | phaseIds of all indexed phases |
Derived Classes
EBSDsquare | EBSD data measured on a square grid |
EBSDhex | EBSD data measured on a hex grid |