eval edit page

point-wise evaluation


Evaluates the orientation dependent function \(f\) on a given set of points using a representation based coefficient transform, that transforms a series of Wigner-D functions into a trivariate Fourier series and using NFFT at the end.


f = eval(SO3F,rot)


SO3F SO3FunHarmonic
rot rotation (evaluation nodes)


f double [numrot x size(SO3F)]


bandwidth cut bandwidth of the harmonic series in evaluation process


nfsoft use Nonequispace Fast Fourier Transform of the NFFT3 Toolbox (expensive precomputations)
noNFFT do direct evaluation of the harmonic series for every orientation (Works for very high bandwidth if the nfft runs out of memory, but gets expensive for many orientations. Hence number of orientations should be less than 100)

See also

SO3FunHarmonic.evalNFSOFT SO3FunHarmonic.evalEquispacedFFT SO3FunHarmonic.evalSectionsEquispacedFFT