Calculates the mean value of a SO3Fun or calculates the mean along a specified dimension of a vector-valued SO3Fun
If SO3F is a 3x3 SO3Fun then mean(SO3F)
returns a 3x3 matrix with the mean values of each function mean(SO3F, 1)
returns a 1x3 SO3Fun which contains the pointwise mean values along the first dimension
value = mean(SO3F)
SO3F = mean(SO3F, d)
SO3F | SO3Fun |
d | dimension to take the mean value over |
SO3F | SO3Fun |
value | double |
%generate SO3Funs
SO3F1 = SO3Fun.dubna
SO3F2 = SO3FunHandle(@(rot) SO3F1.eval(rot))
A = ones(2,3);
SO3F3 = SO3F2.*A
SO3F1 = SO3FunRBF (Quartz → y↑→x)
multimodal components
kernel: de la Vallee Poussin, halfwidth 5°
center: 19848 orientations, resolution: 5°
weight: 1
SO3F2 = SO3FunHandle (y↑→x → y↑→x)
eval: @(rot)SO3F1.eval(rot)
SO3F3 = SO3FunHandle (y↑→x → y↑→x)
size: 2 x 3
eval: @(rot)permute(SO3F1,[dim+1,1:dim]).*SO3F2.eval(rot)