grain3Boundary edit page

Variables of type grain3Boundary represent 2-dimensional faces of 3-dimensional grains. Those are typically generated during grain reconstruction and are accessible via


Each grain boundary face stores many properties: its position within the map, the ids of the adjacent grains, the ids of the adjacent EBSD measurements, the grain boundary misorientation, etc. These properties are explained in more detail in the section boundary properties.


gB = grain3Boundary(V, F, ebsdInd, grainId, phaseId, mori, CSList, phaseMap, ebsdId, varargin)

Class Properties

allV vector3d list of all stored vertices
scanUnit scanning unit (default - um)
tripleJunctions @tripleJunctionList
F list of boundary faces as ids to allV
grainId id's of the neighboring grains to a boundary segment
ebsdId id's of the neighboring ebsd data to a boundary segment
misrotation misrotation between neighboring ebsd data to a boundary segment

Dependent Class Properties

V vector3d list of active/used vertices
misorientation disorientation between neighboring ebsd data to a boundary segment
N normal of the boundary face as vector3d
centroid centroid of the boundary face as vector3d
I_VF incidence matrix vertices - edges
I_FG incidence matrix edges - grains
A_F adjacency matrix edges - edges
A_V adjacency matrix vertices - vertices