fibreODF edit page

defines an fibre symmetric ODF


fibreODF defines a fibre symmetric ODF with respect to a crystal direction h and a specimen directions r. The shape of the ODF is defined by a S2Kernel function.


h = Miller(h,k,l,CS)
r = vector3d(x,y,z);
odf = fibreODF(h,r) % default halfwith 10*degree
odf = fibreODF(h,r,'halfwidth',15*degree) % specify halfwidth
odf = fibreODF(h,r,psi) % specify <S2Kernel.S2Kernel.html S2Kernel> shape
odf = fibreODF(h,r,SS)  % specify crystal and specimen symmetry


h Miller / vector3d crystal direction
r vector3d specimen direction
CS, SS crystal, specimen symmetry
hw halfwidth of the kernel (default -- 10°)
psi S2Kernel function (default -- S2 de la Vallee Poussin)


odf SO3Fun

See also

FourierODF uniformODF unimodalODF BinghamODF