erode2 edit page

do morphological erosion of pixels based on neighbor counts


ebsd = erode(ebsd,0)
ebsd = erode(ebsd,2,'titanium')
ebsd = erode(ebsd,1,{'a' 'b' 'notIndexed'})


ebsd EBSD
counts upper threshold of same phase pixels around each pixel to permit erosion
phase phase name, cell or string


ebsd EBSD without the eroded pixels


mtexdata small plot(ebsd); hold on plot(ebsd('n'),'FaceColor','k'); hold off; mtexTitle('original'); nextAxis

% erode isolated, nonIndexed points ebsd = erode(ebsd,0); plot(ebsd); hold on plot(ebsd('n'),'FaceColor','k'); hold off; mtexTitle('no single nonIndexed pixels'); nextAxis

% erode isolated, nonIndexed points for i=1:10 ebsd = erode(ebsd,1,{'n' 'D' 'E'}); end

plot(ebsd); hold on plot(ebsd('n'),'FaceColor','k'); hold off; mtexTitle('no n,D,E \(\le\) 1 neighbors, 10 iter'); nextAxis

% erode isolated, nonIndexed points

for i=1:10 ebsd = erode(ebsd,2,{'n' 'D' 'E','F'}); ebsd = ebsd.fill; end

plot(ebsd); hold on plot(ebsd('n'),'FaceColor','k'); hold off; mtexTitle('no n,D,E \(\le\) 2 neighbors, filled,10 iter');