Explains how to add annotations to plots. This includes colorbars, legends, specimen directions and crystal directions.
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Colorbars |
Annotating Directions, Orientations, Fibres |
Legends |
Unlike the common Matlab command colorbar the MTEX command mtexColorbar allows you to add a colorbar to all subplot in one figure.
% this defines some model ODFs cs = crystalSymmetry('-3m'); mod1 = orientation.byEuler(30*degree,40*degree,10*degree,cs); mod2 = orientation.byEuler(10*degree,80*degree,70*degree,cs); odf = 0.7*unimodalODF(mod1) + 0.3*unimodalODF(mod2); % plot some pole figurs plotPDF(odf,Miller({1,0,0},{1,1,1},cs)) % and add a colorbar to each pole figure mtexColorbar
Executing the command mtexColorbar twice deletes the colorbar. You can also have a horizontal colorbar at the bottom of the figure by setting the option location to southOutside. Further, we can set a title to the colorbar to describe the unit.
% delete vertical colorbar mtexColorbar % add horizontal colorbars mtexColorbar('location','southOutSide','title','mrd')
If color range is set to equal in an MTEX figure only one colorbar is added (see. Color Coding).
mtexColorbar % delete colorbar CLim(gcm,'equal'); % set equal color range to all plots mtexColorbar % create a new colorbar
Pole figures and inverse pole figures are much better readable if they include specimen or crystal directions. Using the MTEX command annotate one can easily add specimen coordinate axes to a pole figure plot.
The command annotate allows also to mark crystal directions in inverse pole figures.
plotIPDF(odf,[xvector,zvector],'antipodal','marginx',10) mtexColorMap white2black annotate([Miller(1,0,0,cs),Miller(1,1,0,cs),Miller(0,0,1,cs),Miller(2,-1,0,cs)],... 'all','labeled','BackgroundColor','w')
One can also mark specific orientations in pole figures or in inverse pole figures.
plotIPDF(odf,[xvector,zvector],'antipodal') mtexColorMap white2black annotate(mod1,... 'marker','s','MarkerSize',6,'MarkerFaceColor','r',... 'label','A','color','w') annotate(mod2,... 'marker','s','MarkerSize',6,'MarkerFaceColor','g',... 'label','B') drawNow(gcm,'figSize','normal')
as well as in ODF plots
plot(odf,'sigma') mtexColorMap white2black annotate(mod1,... 'MarkerSize',15,'MarkerEdgeColor','r','MarkerFaceColor','none') annotate(mod2,... 'MarkerSize',15,'MarkerEdgeColor','b','MarkerFaceColor','none')
or orientation scatter plots
ori = calcOrientations(odf,200); scatter(ori); annotate(mod1,... 'MarkerSize',10,'MarkerEdgeColor','r','MarkerFaceColor','r') annotate(mod2,... 'MarkerSize',10,'MarkerEdgeColor','g','MarkerFaceColor','g')
If you have multiple data in one plot then it makes sense to add a legend saying which color / symbol correspond to which data set.
The following example compares the Fourier coefficients of the fibre ODF with the Fourier coefficients of an unimodal ODF.
close all plotFourier(FourierODF(odf,32)) hold all fodf = fibreODF(Miller(1,0,0,cs),zvector); plotFourier(FourierODF(fodf,32)); hold off legend({'Fibre ODF','Unimodal ODF'})
Adding a Spherical Grid
Sometimes it is useful to have a spherical grid in your plot to make the projection easier to understand or if you need to know some angular relationships. For this reason, there is the option grid, which enables the grid and the option grid_res, which allows to specify the spacing of the grid lines.
plotPDF(odf,[Miller(1,0,0,cs),Miller(0,0,1,cs)],'grid','grid_res',15*degree,'antipodal'); mtexColorMap white2black
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