
S2FunHarmonic is the heart of S2Fun, therefore much effort is put into its functionality.

On this page ...
Defining an univariate S2FunHarmonic
Visualization of univariate S2FunHarmonic
Structural conventions of the input and output of multivariate S2FunHarmonic
Defining a multivariate S2FunHarmonic
Operations which differ from an univariate S2FunHarmonic
Visualization of multivariate S2FunHarmonic
Complete Function list

In the first part we will cover how to deal with univariate functions of the form

Defining an univariate S2FunHarmonic

Definition via function values

At first we need some vertices

nodes = equispacedS2Grid('resolution',3*degree,'antipodal');
nodes = nodes(:);

next we need to define function values for the vertices

y = S2Fun.smiley(nodes);
% plot the discrete data

Finally the actual command to get sF1 of type S2FunHarmonic

sF1 = interp(nodes, y, 'harmonicApproximation')
% plot the spherical function
sF1 = S2FunHarmonic  
 bandwidth: 48
 antipodal: true

For the same result we could also run S2FunHarmonic.approximation(nodes, y) and give some additional options (see here).

Definition via function handle

If we have a function handle for the function we could create a S2FunHarmonic via quadrature. At first lets define a function handle which takes vector3d as an argument and returns double:

f = @(v) 0.1*(v.theta+sin(8*v.x).*sin(8*v.y));
% plot the function at discrete points

Now we can call the quadrature command to get sF2 of type S2FunHarmonic

sF2 = S2FunHarmonic.quadrature(f, 'bandwidth', 150)

sF2 = S2FunHarmonic  
 bandwidth: 150

Definition via Fourier-coefficients

If we already know the Fourier-coefficients, we can simply hand them as a column vector to the constructor of S2FunHarmonic

fhat = rand(25, 1);
sF3 = S2FunHarmonic(fhat)
sF3 = S2FunHarmonic  
 bandwidth: 4


The idea of S2Fun is to calculate with functions like Matlab does with vectors and matrices.

Basic arithmetic operations


sF1+sF2; sF1+2;
sF1-sF2; sF2-4;


sF1.*sF2; 2.*sF1;
sF1./(sF2+1); 2./sF2; sF2./4;


sF1.^sF2; 2.^sF1; sF2.^4;

absolute value of a function



calculates the local min/max of a single function

[minvalue, minnodes] = min(sF1);
[maxvalue, maxnodes] = max(sF1);

min/max of two functions in the pointwise sense

min(sF1, sF2);

Other operations

calculate the -norm, which is only the -norm of the Fourier-coefficients


calculate the mean value of a function


calculate the surface integral of a function


rotate a function

r = rotation.byEuler( [pi/4 0 0]);
rotate(sF1, r);

symmetrise a given function

cs = crystalSymmetry('6/m');
sFs = symmetrise(sF1, cs);


Calculate the gradient as a function G of type S2VectorFieldHarmonic

G = grad(sF1);

The direct evaluation of the gradient is faster and returns vector3d

nodes = vector3d.rand(100);
grad(sF1, nodes);

Visualization of univariate S2FunHarmonic

There are different ways to visualize a S2FunHarmonic

The default plot-command be default plots the function on the upper hemisphere


nonfilled contour plot plots only the contour lines

contour(sF1, 'LineWidth', 2);

color plot without the contour lines


3D plot of a sphere colored accordingly to the function values.


3D plot where the radius of the sphere is transformed according to the function values


Plot the intersection of the surf plot with a plane with normal vector v

plotSection(sF2, zvector);

plotting the Fourier coefficients

set(gca,'FontSize', 20);

Structural conventions of the input and output of multivariate S2FunHarmonic

In this part we deal with multivariate functions of the form


For example we got four nodes and and six functions and , which we want to store in a 3x2 array, then the following scheme applies to function evaluations:

For the intern Fourier-coefficient matrix the first dimension is reserved for for the Fourier-coefficients of a single function; the dimension of the functions itself begin again with the second dimension.

If and would be the column vectors of the Fourier-coefficients of the functions above, internally they would be stored in as follows.

Defining a multivariate S2FunHarmonic

Definition via function values

At first we need some vertices

nodes = equispacedS2Grid('points', 1e5);
nodes = nodes(:);

Next we define function values for the vertices

y = [S2Fun.smiley(nodes), (nodes.x.*nodes.y).^(1/4)];

Now the actual command to get a 2x1 sF1 of type S2FunHarmonic

sF1 = S2FunHarmonic.approximation(nodes, y)
sF1 = S2FunHarmonic  
 size: 2 x 1
 bandwidth: 224

Definition via function handle

If we have a function handle for the function we could create a S2FunHarmonic via quadrature. At first let us define a function handle which takes vector3d as an argument and returns double:

f = @(v) [exp(v.x+v.y+v.z)+50*(v.y-cos(pi/3)).^3.*(v.y-cos(pi/3) > 0), v.x, v.y, v.z];

Now we call the quadrature command to get 4x1 sF2 of type S2FunHarmonic

sF2 = S2FunHarmonic.quadrature(f, 'bandwidth', 50)
sF2 = S2FunHarmonic  
 size: 4 x 1
 bandwidth: 50

Definition via Fourier-coefficients

If we already know the Fourier-coefficients, we can simply hand them in the format above to the constructor of S2FunHarmonic.

sF3 = S2FunHarmonic(eye(9))
sF3 = S2FunHarmonic  
 size: 9 x 1
 bandwidth: 2

Operations which differ from an univariate S2FunHarmonic

Some default matrix and vector operations

You can concatenate and refer to functions as Matlab does with vectors and matrices

sF4 = [sF1; sF2];

You can conjugate the Fourier-coefficients and transpose/ctranspose the multivariate S2FunHarmonic.


Some other operations

sF3 = reshape(sF3, 3, []);

sum and mean

If we do not specify further options to sum or mean they give we the integral or the mean value back for each function. You could also calculate the conventional sum or the meanvalue over a dimension of a multivariate S2FunHarmonic.

sum(sF1, 1);
sum(sF3, 2);


If the min or max command gets a multivariate S2FunHarmonic the pointwise minimum or maximum is calculated along the first non-singelton dimension if not specified otherwise.


Remark for matrix product

At this point the matrix product is implemented per element and not as the usual matrix product.

Visualization of multivariate S2FunHarmonic

There are different ways to visualize a multivariate S2FunHarmonic

The default plot-command be default plots the functions on the upper hemisphere


nonfilled contour plot plots only the contour lines

contour(sF2, 'LineWidth', 2);

color plot without the contour lines


3D plot of a sphere colored accordingly to the function values.


3D plot where the radius of the sphere is transformed according to the function values


Plot the intersection of the surf plot with a plane with normal vector v

plotSection(sF1, zvector);

plotting the Fourier coefficients

set(gca,'FontSize', 20);

Complete Function list