Fundamental Regions

Thanks to crystal symmetry the orientation space can be reduced to the so called fundamental or asymmetric region. Those regions play an important role for the computation of axis and angle distributions of misorientations.

On this page ...
The complete, symmetry free, orientation space
Crystal Symmetries
Change the center of the fundamental region
Fundamental regions of misorientations
Fundamental regions of misorientations with antipodal symmetry
Axis angle sections

The complete, symmetry free, orientation space

The space orientations can be imagined as a three dimensional ball with radius 180 degree. The distance of some point in the ball to the origin represent the rotational angle and the vector represents the rotational axis. In MTEX this can be represented as follows

% triclic crystal symmetry
cs = crystalSymmetry('triclinic')

% the corresponding orientation space
oR_all = fundamentalRegion(cs);

% lets plot the ball of all orientations
cs = crystalSymmetry  
  symmetry          : -1                
  a, b, c           : 1, 1, 1           
  alpha, beta, gamma: 90°, 90°, 90°     
  reference frame   : X||a, Y||b*, Z||c*

Next we plot some orientations into this space

% rotation about the z-axis about 180 degree
rotZ = orientation.byAxisAngle(zvector,180*degree,cs);

hold on
hold off

% rotations about the x- and y-axis about 30,60,90 ... degree
rotX = orientation.byAxisAngle(xvector,(-180:30:180)*degree,cs);
rotY = orientation.byAxisAngle(yvector,(-180:30:180)*degree,cs);

hold on
hold off

An alternative view on the orientation space is by sections, e.g. sections along the Euler angles or along the rotational angle. The latter one should be demonstrated next:

hold on
hold on
hold off

Crystal Symmetries

In case of crystal symmetries the orientation space can divided into as many equivalent segments as the symmetry group has elements. E.g. in the case of orthorombic symmetry the orientation space is subdivided into four equal parts, the central one looking like

cs = crystalSymmetry('222')
oR = fundamentalRegion(cs);

close all
hold on
hold off
cs = crystalSymmetry  
  symmetry: 222    
  a, b, c : 1, 1, 1
Warning: Possible symmetry mismach! 

As an example consider the following EBSD data set

mtexdata forsterite

we can visualize the Forsterite orientations by

plot 2000 random orientations out of 152345 given orientations

We see that all orientations are automatically projected inside the fundamental region. In order to compute explicitly the represent inside the fundamental region we can do

ori =  ebsd('Fo').orientations.project2FundamentalRegion
ori = orientation  
  size: 152345 x 1
  crystal symmetry : Forsterite (mmm)
  specimen symmetry: 1

Change the center of the fundamental region

There is no necessity that the fundamental region has to be centered in the origin - it can be centered at any orientation, e.g. at the mean orientation of a grain.

% segment data into grains
[grains,ebsd.grainId] = calcGrains(ebsd('indexed'));

% take the orientations of the largest on
[~,id] = max(grains.area);
largeGrain = grains(id)
ori = ebsd(largeGrain).orientations

% recenter the fundamental zone to the mean orientation

% project the orientations into the fundamental region around the mean
% orientation
ori = ori.project2FundamentalRegion(largeGrain.meanOrientation)

largeGrain = grain2d  
 Phase  Grains  Pixels     Mineral  Symmetry  Crystal reference frame
     1       1    2683  Forsterite       mmm                         
 boundary segments: 714
 triple points: 44
  Id   Phase   Pixels         GOS   phi1   Phi   phi2
 931       1     2683   0.0425468    171    55    262
ori = orientation  
  size: 2683 x 1
  crystal symmetry : Forsterite (mmm)
  specimen symmetry: 1
ori = orientation  
  size: 2683 x 1
  crystal symmetry : Forsterite (mmm)
  specimen symmetry: 1
plot 2000 random orientations out of 2683 given orientations

Fundamental regions of misorientations

Misorientations are characterised by two crystal symmetries. A corresponding fundamental region is defined by

oR = fundamentalRegion(ebsd('Fo').CS,ebsd('En').CS);


Let plot grain boundary misorientations within this fundamental region

plot 2000 random orientations out of 11814 given orientations

Fundamental regions of misorientations with antipodal symmetry

Note that for boundary misorientations between the same phase we can not distinguish between a misorientation and its inverse. This is not the case for misorientations between different phases or the misorientation between the mean orientation of a grain and all other orientations. The inverse of a misorientation is axis - angle representation is simply the one with the same angle but antipodal axis. Accordingly this additional symmetry is handled in MTEX by the keyword antipodal.

oR = fundamentalRegion(ebsd('Fo').CS,ebsd('Fo').CS,'antipodal');


We see that the fundamental region with antipodal symmetry has only half the size as without. In the case of misorientations between the same phase MTEX automatically sets the antipodal flag to the misorientations and plots them accordingly.

mori = grains.boundary('Fo','Fo').misorientation
mori = misorientation  
  size: 15974 x 1
  crystal symmetry : Forsterite (mmm)
  crystal symmetry : Forsterite (mmm)
  antipodal:         true
plot 2000 random orientations out of 15974 given orientations

If you want to avoid this you can remove the anitpodal flag by

mori.antipodal = false;

plot 2000 random orientations out of 15974 given orientations

Axis angle sections

Again we can plot constant angle sections through the fundamental region. This is done by

  plotting 2000 random orientations out of 15974 given orientations

Note that in the previous plot we distinguish between mori and inv(mori). Adding antipodal symmetry those are considered as equivalent

  plotting 2000 random orientations out of 15974 given orientations